Os Magno

Alexander in Images

This site contains thumbnails of some 200 images available on the web. Clicking on the thumbnail will take you to the image itself. To the right of each image I have included some information about the site containing the image (with a link), a description of the image and notes on its size and quality.


La figura de Alejandro Magno quizá sea de las más atractivas de la Historia. En sus treinta y tres años consiguió conquistar el mayor Imperio alcanzado hasta ese momento, llegando a las tierras bañadas por el Indo y dominando la mayor parte del continente asiático.

Alexandre Magno

Alexandre Magno (356 a. C. - 323 a. C.) Rei da Macedónia, é o capitão e o estratega mais famoso da Antiguidade. A partir de 345, o seu pai, Filipe II, confia a sua educação ao filósofo Aristóteles, o principal sábio da sua época.

Alexander the Great

Touched by the hand of God, youth immortalized, wearing his golden crown of glory. A symbol of strength and power for his Macedonian comrades-in-war. His military genius too great to be wasted on Europe, he looked east, to conquer Persia, the greatest kingdom of all. More than a conqueror, an intellectual with a team of all the finest minds in the world. Visualizing a universal empire for all, he left the legacy of the greatest empire the world has ever seen.


Alexander the Great

Alexander the Great was born in 356 B.C. His father, Philip, was the brother of King Perdiccas III of Macedon or Macedonia, in northern Greece. His mother was Philip's wife Olympias, daughter of King Neoptolemus I of Epirus, in modern Albania. Alexander had a younger sister, Cleopatra (not the famous Egyptian queen).

Alexander's First Great Victory

The Persians hoped to win the Battle of the Granicus by killing King Alexander III. But in his first major action in Asia, the Macedonian commander employed tactics that would win him an empire. By John R. Mixter More than any other ancient military figure, Alexander the Great has served as the model for Western field commanders throughout history. Even today, Alexander's many contributions to the art of warfare and his feats of generalship continue to warrant study in military academies around the world.

Carlos Magno e os mouros

Herdeiro de uma família que ascendera ao trono dos Francos justamente por dar combate aos mouros, Carlos Magno não traiu aos seus. Continuou movendo uma luta tenaz contra o Islã. Em 778 estava em frente a Saragoça, onde fracassou em tentar tomar o sitio dos mouros.

Carlos Magno - PDF

Carlomagno nació probablemente en Aquisgrán (Aix-la-Chapelle, en la actual Alemania), el 2 de abril del año 742, hijo del rey franco Pipino el Breve y nieto de Carlos Martel. Su nombre, en latín, Carolus Magnus quiere decir Carlos el Grande. Fue rey de los francos (768 - 814) y emperador de los romanos (800 - 814), condujo a sus ejércitos francos a la victoria sobre otros numerosos pueblos, y estableció su dominio en la mayor parte de Europa Central y occidental.

in Images

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